Jase Ess is the voice of the Leukaemia Foundation's new blood cancer awareness campaign 'My Life Counts'. This initiative was launched to coincide with the Blood Cancer Awareness Month 2019.
Today in Australia, blood cancer is a big problem. It’s one of the Top 4 most frequently diagnosed cancers and is one of the leading causes of death by cancer in our country.
As the only national organisation that represents the needs of all people living with any blood cancer in Australia, the Leukaemia Foundation has chosen to take the lead in the conversation around blood cancer. We’ve set a bold new goal, one that will help shape the future for Australians living with blood cancer.
To understand the true scale of blood cancer in this country, we commissioned a comprehensive and ‘first of its kind’ analysis with the aim of identifying the challenges and opportunities that influence survival and quality of life for people with blood cancer.
The result is the State of the Nation: Blood Cancer in Australia report which is unique in talking about blood cancers collectively rather than as individual diseases.
You can watch the video here: https://www.leukaemia.org.au/about-us/mylifecounts/
